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Learning Objectives for Participants:

  1. Operationally define overt and covert symptoms of depression.
  2. Identify problematic contingencies maintaining the depressive symptoms.
  3. Devise an individualized treatment package that targets depressive symptoms for reduction while differentially reinforcing alternative replacement skills.
  4. Establish environmental modifications that promote maintenance of replacement skills.

 Description of Type 2 / Learning CE Event: 

In this session, depression will be examined through the lens of verbal behavior analysis. We will discuss the covert and overt symptoms of depression that are needed for a clear operational definition, examine the complexity of tacts and mands in the verbal behavior of a depressed individual, and investigate possible contingencies maintaining the depressive symptoms. This session will also present possible treatment interventions (e.g., functional communication training and cognitive-behavioral therapy) and examine how to differentially reinforce alternative replacement skills to address the functions identified for individual symptomology.

Skill Level: Beginner
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